A number of firsts!

by | Apr 11, 2019

Well, I’ve taken the plunge and am writing my first blog!
I thought the number of “firsts” at Odle Farm yesterday was a great place to start and fits in nicely with Easter and Springtime.
We had our first home-born lambs from our first milk lamb, Erica.

New born lamb

First home born lamb

How it all began

Bryony our youngest daughter has always enjoyed visiting her friends’ farms and when Jessica moved into Primrose Farm next door with her Southdown sheep and wanted help lambing in April 2017, Bryony didn’t need asking twice! I didn’t see her the whole of those Easter holidays but I knew exactly where to find her!

Southdown Sheep with lamb

Geddy and her lamb with Bryony

Bryony soon had a favourite ewe, she spent hours sitting with her in the barn and then later on out in the field with her and her lamb. Geddy had twin lambs but unfortunately didn’t take to both of them…….you’ve guessed it, Bryony bottle fed the other one…and called her Erica. Erica was soon joined by Eden another lamb that needed bottle feeding and Bryony’s flock was born.

Southdown lambs

Erica and Eden

Apparently, you need more than two sheep so Geddy was taken on as she wasn’t going to be used for breeding anymore and was Bryony’s favourite, a little black lamb, Cole and two pretty Ryeland cross Southdown twins, Millie and Matilda. 2017 saw Bryony’s small flock become 6.

Flock of sheep


Last year Bryony added two milk lambs from another friends farm she helped at, Doris and Delilah.


Doris and Delilah

 and two more from Jessica next door, Annie and April.

Southdown lambs up to mischief

Annie and April up to mischief.

2018 – flock count now 10.

In November 2018, Gilbert, Jessica’s new ram, came to visit Erica and Eden, and the twins, Millie and Matilda.

Southdown ram

Gilbert, Southdown ram


Bryony became a very proud mummy yesterday as Erica produced two beautiful lambs, and they are both girls! She is being such a great mum, after being a bit confused to start with she is now standing for them to feed and loves them to bits.

Newborn Southdown Lambs

Eden, Millie and Matilda are also expecting twins so we have a few more sleepless nights ahead but fingers crossed, all being well, we should have 8 new additions to the flock by the end of the month.

Sheep in lamb

Expectant Mums

I will keep you posted as the others arrive, get ready for a cuteness overload of lamb photos over on Facebook!

Because our flock is so small and the majority have been raised on a bottle, all of the sheep are very friendly. Why not have a “farm stay” staycation this spring, they’d love to meet you.

Check our availability and escape the Brexit madness, come and cuddle a lamb 🐑😍

Southdown llambs

Erica and Eden 2017

Bye for now, hopefully, we’ll have some more news for you soon, keep an eye on our Odle Farm Facebook page and Instagram account.
Happy Easter,
